How To Own Your Time

I am writing this blog after a gap of many weeks. I was just not getting time from my schedule to put down my thoughts. There was a deep craving to come back to blogging though. Finally, I realised, if I don’t plan my time for blogging, something else will keep eating into my time..

Why Success Is An Inside Job

I offered a seat to a senior citizen onboard a train in New Jersey, USA few years back and she smilingly declined. I did so out of my Indian values but the values exhibited by that old woman left me startled. She just did not show independence but what stood out for me was CHARACTER...

Embrace Law of Pain For Growth

No one wants pain. Not me, not you. Not a single person on this planet is ready to welcome pain. But the reality is you like it or not, it’s a part of your life. Its UNAVOIDABLE. So how do you make the most out of it? You might be wondering what can you get..

The Power Of Saying No

This happened nearly 20 years back when I was trying to get through one of the most prestigious colleges of journalism in India. I went to Chennai with my father, after being selected in the written entrance to give an interview at the Asian College of Journalism. They liked me but offered me Web Journalism..

Comfort Zone Is A Silent Killer

Who likes to leave a cosy comforter in the chill!! Being too comfortable in a position never serves growth or to put it this way “growth never happens in your comfort zone”. It has become a bane for majority of the workforce. Most people are averse to trying something new, taking risk, marching into a..

7 Ways to Create Your Me Time

Freedom. It has been one of the most cherished word. Have we lost it’s meaning in the hustle-bustle of life?A friend recently complained, “I can’t do what my life sings for, I feel like shackled by the need to pay my bills, the wants of my job and the demands of my family”. I seem..

How To Make Universe Work For You

Life would be a song if you didn’t feel insecure about anything around you! Whether it’s your job, your relationships, your wealth, the kids, your future or just about anything under the sun.If you could be reassured that everything around is taken care of and no one can jeopardise what is rightfully yours, then there..

What Makes Businesses Boom?

I had read somewhere “It’s not about you, it’s about everyone else”. Is this really possible in letter and spirit? This is what I thought initially. Recently I got to see how is this not just possible on ground, but also how its making businesses boom. Attending the Business Network International or the BNI’s online..

Why It Matters To Find Your Purpose

Most of you reading this blog will agree that there is an urge deep inside to do more in life that is fulfilling, enjoyable and uplifting. This also means that a big number of people are dissatisfied with their current state of work and life. It is also validated by research many times.  In a..


Goals are important. They drive our life. It gives a sense of direction when you are oriented towards any goal whether its your job, fitness, wealth or relationships. Focussing on something gives a sense of purpose which is an ingredient for active life. The normal human tendency is that often, while pursuing our goals we..


It is THE most common thing that happens to almost every one of you. It is so easy to raise a finger towards people around you, when in trouble, being irritated, losing something or feeling out of control. We do it day in and day out but little do we realise that blaming is one..

Will Power Doesn’t Always Make You Win

“Using will power to implement targets, is doing violence to yourself”. First, when I heard this piece of wisdom, I was literally shocked. It said using the power of will in doing things, in achieving your goals is an act of violence on yourself. And the person dishing out this shocker is the ‘Business Buddha’..

How To Convert Rejection Into Success

Being rejected is like someone tearing you apart. Someone pulling the rug off your feet. It can be damaging, disappointing and demoralising. If one knows how to DEAL with it, one can get the best out of rejection.  Good News is that it can also be an opportunity to claim more respect and acclaim for..

How To Reinvent And Discover A New YOU

If there is one thing that is constant in everyone’s life it is CHANGE. There are many people amongst us who have a deep desire to change and can’t figure out how to do it. I too struggled with the strong urge to change before reinventing myself. There was a sense of dissatisfaction brimming inside,..

What Can Help You Reverse Aging

Age is just a number. What if you could reverse the tide of aging? Let’s admit looking young is on the wish list of most people. Something that most people struggle to figure out. It is not difficult, believe me. Time will keep ticking, adding numbers to your age but how you tick with time..

What Should Be Your No.1 Priority

Who doesn’t want to be a better parent, a better life partner, a better co-worker or a better boss, a better entrepreneur or a better human being? Being better is a priority though everybody has different priorities. Who or what is your no 1 priority? Money, job or wealth creation? It could be parenting, home,..

How To Multiply Your Wealth

Could there be a formula to multiply wealth? Something that works effortlessly and shows remarkable results. Something that is tested and is easy to follow. Yes, there is an answer to this coveted question. I will unveil it in this blog but let me forewarn you that you need one thing for this to succeed...

How to Create Space for More Money

Creating more space for money sounds weird? If you are wondering you have enough space in your wallet, cupboard or unlimited capacity to store money in your bank account, then this is not the case. Ever heard of deep pockets? It’s not the physical depth of your trousers but the nature and continuous replenishing of..

Colours Can Change A Lot In Your Life

 What is a life without colours? Certainly, dull and boring. Colours bring liveliness, dimension and texture to life. It can have a direct, profound and very interesting impact on our daily lives.  Colours can actually lift up your mood, calm your stress, make you feel romantic, heal and stimulate you in unthinkable ways. Each one..

Life Lesson From Egg, Potato & Coffee

An Inspiring Tale on how you respond to situations that life throws you in , makes all the difference . Listen it and Enjoy the Story. Life needs to be infused with new motivation and inspiration to keep the spirits high. Stories are the perfect medium to soar your spirits and bring a smile with..