How To Own Your Time

I am writing this blog after a gap of many weeks. I was just not getting time from my schedule to put down my thoughts. There was a deep craving to come back to blogging though. Finally, I realised, if I don’t plan my time for blogging, something else will keep eating into my time..

Embrace Law of Pain For Growth

No one wants pain. Not me, not you. Not a single person on this planet is ready to welcome pain. But the reality is you like it or not, it’s a part of your life. Its UNAVOIDABLE. So how do you make the most out of it? You might be wondering what can you get..

The Power Of Saying No

This happened nearly 20 years back when I was trying to get through one of the most prestigious colleges of journalism in India. I went to Chennai with my father, after being selected in the written entrance to give an interview at the Asian College of Journalism. They liked me but offered me Web Journalism..

Comfort Zone Is A Silent Killer

Who likes to leave a cosy comforter in the chill!! Being too comfortable in a position never serves growth or to put it this way “growth never happens in your comfort zone”. It has become a bane for majority of the workforce. Most people are averse to trying something new, taking risk, marching into a..

7 Ways to Create Your Me Time

Freedom. It has been one of the most cherished word. Have we lost it’s meaning in the hustle-bustle of life?A friend recently complained, “I can’t do what my life sings for, I feel like shackled by the need to pay my bills, the wants of my job and the demands of my family”. I seem..

How To Make Universe Work For You

Life would be a song if you didn’t feel insecure about anything around you! Whether it’s your job, your relationships, your wealth, the kids, your future or just about anything under the sun.If you could be reassured that everything around is taken care of and no one can jeopardise what is rightfully yours, then there..

What Should Be Your No.1 Priority

Who doesn’t want to be a better parent, a better life partner, a better co-worker or a better boss, a better entrepreneur or a better human being? Being better is a priority though everybody has different priorities. Who or what is your no 1 priority? Money, job or wealth creation? It could be parenting, home,..

Why I Quit News? I Loved It So Much

“Work with so much passion that it ceases to be work”, has been my mantra throughout the professional life of 18 years. I loved what I did, in my case news anchoring on a national News channel, NDTV. It came naturally to me as if I was born to do this, I was meant to..