The Power Of Saying No

This happened nearly 20 years back when I was trying to get through one of the most prestigious colleges of journalism in India. I went to Chennai with my father, after being selected in the written entrance to give an interview at the Asian College of Journalism. They liked me but offered me Web Journalism..

7 Ways to Create Your Me Time

Freedom. It has been one of the most cherished word. Have we lost it’s meaning in the hustle-bustle of life?A friend recently complained, “I can’t do what my life sings for, I feel like shackled by the need to pay my bills, the wants of my job and the demands of my family”. I seem..

Why It Matters To Find Your Purpose

Most of you reading this blog will agree that there is an urge deep inside to do more in life that is fulfilling, enjoyable and uplifting. This also means that a big number of people are dissatisfied with their current state of work and life. It is also validated by research many times.  In a..


It is THE most common thing that happens to almost every one of you. It is so easy to raise a finger towards people around you, when in trouble, being irritated, losing something or feeling out of control. We do it day in and day out but little do we realise that blaming is one..

Life Lessons from Corona

When we don’t do what we should be doing, we are sometimes forced to do it by nature. This Pandemic has shaken the world to do the same for us. The nature reclaimed its space and authority by shutting everything out through the initial phases of the pandemic. Enforcement of lockdown led to an eerie..

Life Dil Se ! Reinvention

#Meditation #REINVENTION Meditation is the doorway to a fulsome life. It gives the answer and direction to just anything you want. It is all the more important in today's time with so many distractions, stress, anxiety and negativity in general. If you want more out of life, go inwards. For more on meditation and reinvention..

What Should Be Your No.1 Priority

Who doesn’t want to be a better parent, a better life partner, a better co-worker or a better boss, a better entrepreneur or a better human being? Being better is a priority though everybody has different priorities. Who or what is your no 1 priority? Money, job or wealth creation? It could be parenting, home,..

Why I Quit News? I Loved It So Much

“Work with so much passion that it ceases to be work”, has been my mantra throughout the professional life of 18 years. I loved what I did, in my case news anchoring on a national News channel, NDTV. It came naturally to me as if I was born to do this, I was meant to..

Colours Can Change A Lot In Your Life

 What is a life without colours? Certainly, dull and boring. Colours bring liveliness, dimension and texture to life. It can have a direct, profound and very interesting impact on our daily lives.  Colours can actually lift up your mood, calm your stress, make you feel romantic, heal and stimulate you in unthinkable ways. Each one..

Why Snooze Is Bad For You

Do you love snoozing your morning alarm to steal that extra dose of sleep? Does it often leave you racing against time in finishing your morning chores before making it to work!! If YES, then you are doing something that is not only harmful for your personal health but also spoiling your entire day. You might be wondering how could an innocuous habit of stealing few minutes..

Tap The Power Of NAP

I was in the middle of my news bulletin at around 3.20 pm, struggling to concentrate, feeling super sleepy. My head was almost swinging in air, every now and then. I was visibly making an effort to stay awake during the ad-break while anchoring, with the whole crew watching. It was something that had happened..