Dream Big: It’s Good For Your Brain

You might have heard this!! Dare to dream. Dreams do come true!! Whether dreams come true or not, but what matters is dreams make a difference to one’s health. How? New research has proven that dreaming refreshes one’s mind. While being lost in dreams our eyes move a lot, leading to RAPID EYE MOVEMENT or..


Coorg in Karnataka , India came alive before my eyes as my mind wandered in the woods to know more about forest bathing. The one- hour nature walk that I did in 2016 is one of the most rejuvenating experiences of my life.  The rich fragrance of cardamom, coffee and a variety of towering trees..

Drink Your Food & Chew Your Water

A colleague who had just come back from maternity leave was quite surprised looking at me. She couldn’t resist the temptation of asking me what makes you look so better in the last few months. Coming after a gap of over 6 months, she could not be but surprised at my slimmed waistline, lean body..

Why Loosing Your Sweet Tooth Makes Sense

I lost a part of myself. My sweet tooth was no more. My taste buds had changed. A transformation that took me by complete surprise and startled my family as I was known to savour sweets. I don’t believe in curbing my natural instincts and it applied to my sweet tooth too. From being someone..

Why Gut Matters So Much

Your gut never lies. How often do you regret listening to your gut? Or how often you feel right on going with your gut instinct. Its something that we all pay attention to. This means gut has a system in place that not only warns you in time of danger but also guides and directs..

Tap The Power Of NAP

I was in the middle of my news bulletin at around 3.20 pm, struggling to concentrate, feeling super sleepy. My head was almost swinging in air, every now and then. I was visibly making an effort to stay awake during the ad-break while anchoring, with the whole crew watching. It was something that had happened..