Dream Big: It’s Good For Your Brain

You might have heard this!! Dare to dream. Dreams do come true!! Whether dreams come true or not, but what matters is dreams make a difference to one’s health. How? New research has proven that dreaming refreshes one’s mind. While being lost in dreams our eyes move a lot, leading to RAPID EYE MOVEMENT or..

How To Survive in Hard Times

This is the story of the Ice Age when all species were involved in a fight for survival. Porcupines too were struggling for survival in thundering cold. They were fighting a losing battle. They decided to huddle together to generate warmth from close contact but it proven to be a bane than boon.z Known for..

How To Own Your Time

I am writing this blog after a gap of many weeks. I was just not getting time from my schedule to put down my thoughts. There was a deep craving to come back to blogging though. Finally, I realised, if I don’t plan my time for blogging, something else will keep eating into my time..

How To Convert Rejection Into Success

Being rejected is like someone tearing you apart. Someone pulling the rug off your feet. It can be damaging, disappointing and demoralising. If one knows how to DEAL with it, one can get the best out of rejection.  Good News is that it can also be an opportunity to claim more respect and acclaim for..